Secure, safe and reliable water supply
The hydrocarbon processing industry is particularly water demanding. Nearly all process steps require water in various forms:
- Desalter Washwater
- Boiler feed water for steam production
- Cooling water makeup
- Process water
- Utility water for cleaning, fire network and domestic needs
Wastewater Treatment
Most processes generate wastewater that must be treated prior to discharge and/or reuse.
- Desalter wastewater
- Sour water from stripper
- Oily wastewater
- Spent caustics
- Boiler and cooling tower blowdown
- Condensates
- Site run-off
Many pollutants must be removed to ensure full compliance and appropriate quality. These pollutants are mostly oils and hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, phenols, COD, BOD, mercury, selenium, cyanides and chlorides
Demineralized water
- Membranes: ultra-filtration (UF), micro-filtration (MF), nano-filtration (NF), Reverse Osmosis (RO)
- Ion exchange
- Deaerators
- Condensate polishing
- Water treatment chemicals
Recycling & reuse
Recycling and reusing water from effluent treatment protects the environment and helps to achieve regulatory compliance while minimizing the need for fresh water.
Water can also be recycled for use onsite or for other beneficial uses.